Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Little Lovebug!

I put together a little video of Taryn's Birthday Party. Enjoy! (Don't forget there is sound).

Music: "Lovebug" by Jonas Brothers


Louie said...

Very Very Cute!
You did a good job putting it together!!! Very Nice!

Lydia said...

That was very good! I love the tune, it was a great sound track. What a little cutie.

Kyla said...

Aww what a nice thing of Auntie to do! Thank you! And she is being a pill this evening so it was good to watch her being cute! :)

Anonymous said...

I continue to want to pick her up and cuddle....what a cutie she is and you captured it.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

The music and the pictures matched perfectly! That was the cutest movie! :)

Maria said...

That was very special! What great memories!