Monday, September 29, 2008

Wait, it's Monday Already?

So the weekend was good...and Louie already summed it up on his blog.  I guess all that I have to add is that I had a good time as well!  I truly like Louie's parents, and it is never stressful to have them around!  I am thoroughly enjoying the newly cleaned yard and the working fireplace! 

0927081433a Bentley liked the fireplace too!  Lydia was very excited to get it started!

Our walk around Tubbs hill on Sunday was very nice.  I was happy to have another nice weekend.  I have a lot of pictures...and it is hard to narrow it down to the select few...but I will try my hardest.  Louie found a penny in the water he had to get!

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I love this family picture!  Bentley is a little distracting.

P9280845 They are doing the "moose" auction again in Cd' there are a ton of these moose statues all around downtown.



We then went to the Gymnastics Superstars Tour and saw Nastia Lukin and Shawn Johnson, plus all the other Olympic Gymnasts perform.  It was pretty cool.

Overall...Bentley had the right idea of how the weekend should've been....


1 comment:

Louie said...

Bent looks sooo comfy...I'm really happy you get along with my parents so well...Just like it is never stressful to be around your folks too! I hope we can all get together for Thanksgiving...