Lets see...what have I been doing? GOT ME! Monday night...uh...Had these great bagel pizza things that Louie made, and he made them again last night for dinner. OH RIGHT...we watched Monday Night football! The games sucked, and made me wish for a Fantasy team...:(
Work has been crazy busy since I have taken on this Innovation and New Product Development Team (INPD). I don't think I told the blogger readers about this. When I went to the design meeting last Thursday...I was bored out of my mind by the unorganized meeting. The 16 of us sat there for over an hour while the owner rambled on and on. So...by the end of the meeting when I noticed everyone fidgeting and yawning...I raised my hand and asked the very important question of...where is this going? What is the plan? I guess these questions got me nominated to take over...and I did so with great pride, because this IS what I am good at, and I know it.
In Engineering school, Hattie was the artist/designer, and I was always the organizer, recorder. We made a great team. I am very confident in my managing/leadership skills, mainly do to years of training through camp and school. Therefore, I have spent some exciting time getting ready for this meeting, which happens to be tomorrow. WOO HOO!
Onto last night...I have this weird growth on my eye, which has been there since Sunday. After wearing glasses for a few days, and getting hounded by co-workers, I decided to call the eye doc and see what it is. I ended up going into the clinic to get it checked out. Turns out, I have like chronic dry eyes, or something like that. He explained it to me using oil and water...and how when you put oil into water...it just kinda bubbles up and doesn't mix...well when you blink your eyes, it creates this "oily" film over your eyeball. For normal people, this film dissipates in 10 seconds or longer. For me, it dissipates in 5 seconds. Therefore, I have dry eyes. He wasn't sure what created this "growth", but he gave me some steroid drops, as well as like 5 bottles of eye drops. I am not supposed to wear my contacts until this growth goes away. It is very very frustrating because my glasses are several years old and the wrong prescription...so I get headaches. I do go into the vision doc. later this month, so I will get checked again.
After the vision appt. I had a softball game, in which we KILLED the Silverwood team, and ended up only playing 3 innings. The rest of the night was spent watching Louie and his friend Adam play that stupid PS3 game, Bonecrusher, or brainsmasher, or headbanger...the one where Snoop Dogg advertises. Oh, "Lodi, Dodi." (For Rob, Kyla and Louie)

Have a good Wednesday!
Yeah Facebreaker was the game, it was a lot of fun you should have played!!! Stupid no-one showing up for football :(
Haha, Lodi Dodi. You crack me up, wierdo!
Good job taking initiative at work! I bet you will be a great organizer! We all know Kristen gets right down to business! Haha.
What is this eye thing? Rob has something that sounds similar, it comes and goes for him. Just a bump on his eye, thats really irritating. Same thing maybe??
Is it called a Stye? Stie, something like that? A Stye in your eye?
My sister used to get those when she was in high school, don't know if she still does. They will go away with medicine if that is what it is.
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
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