Monday, September 15, 2008

Butte Madness

It all started with a road Butte, in the Afternoon, on Friday.

Louie took this self portrait.

Mom made up this joke, it went something like this...(Mom is making a hissing sound) "Do you know what this sound is? It means that you are burning in hell." Not very nice huh.

Then Mom wanted a good shot

I, of course, can't take a real picture.

And the infamous eye drops for my eye.

We arrived in Butte, just in time to sort fishing gear, price items, and dig through treasures to keep.

Saturday was spent from 7 am to 5 pm, sitting at the cash table collecting over 7,000 dollars. Saturday night was spent filling all the gaps on the tables, with 15 more boxes of stuff we found.

Sunday, from 9 am to 1 pm, was spent collecting more money and packing up some of the stuff so realtors can show the house to sell.

It was very busy, very tiring, and very dusty.

When we got back into town on Sunday, I (or ah-hem, Mom) bought the last leg of our flights to Morro Bay for Christmas. Then, Louie and I went to Moontime for dinner, meeting his, or my new best friend Jon. I picked up Bentley from his dog-sitters, Mr. Bob's house. He had a great weekend chasing cats and sleeping in the bed with Mr. Bob and Linda. Louie and I watched Fringe that we had recorded from the previous Tuesday's premiere. We weren't too sure in the beginning...but it grew on us. Abram used the same noises in Lost, in this new that was kinda lame. Louie says it reminds him of a combo, LOST and X-Files...It's good. I like the fact that it won't be a continuing story (at least not all of it). They will at least clear up some questions each show.

*As for my is getting better. I gave up on glasses and went back to contacts. My eyes seems more dry than normal, but other than that ok. I still have a bump...but it isn't as bad. If you read that website I posted...they don't know the cause of these bumps...but I don't think they are serious...just something you get. I don't know.


Louie said...

That picture of your mom is scary, watch out she will cast an evil spell on you!!!

Carla said...

I am so very appreciative of your help. Thanks for helping out so much and especailly with the cash box. Looks like my evil ways are causing me to get early dementia when it comes to making change. Remember to give back the foot stool!

Kyla said...

Sounds like a busy weekend!

I forgot to watch Fringe last week! I am excited though. And I saw LOST is on Sci Fi now! :)