Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Killer Hike

Louie has been wanting to take me on this Liberty Lake hike for a long time. We finally decided to tackle it last night. I expected it to be a quite a hike, and for us not to get back till late, but I guess Louie thought it was a little bit shorter. I am not sure on that. I guess he forgot about the lead in trail that was at LEAST a half a mile...so the 6 mile hike extended to at LEAST 7 miles. It was very cool and I am super glad that we went. I feel way better today, healthier than I ever have been. My lungs just feel clean, if you can understand that.

To get to the waterfall (our destination), it is a 3 mile hike, once you get to the trail. It isn't too bad until you get to the stupid stupid switchback section. The Cedar Grove is 2 miles in and reminded me a lot of Moscow Mountain.

Halfway, at the cedar grove

View from the top of the horrible switchback

Another mile leads us to the waterfall. I bet it is incredibly beautiful during spring run-off. I was just happy that there was some water to begin with!

Me at the waterfall, it was dark so i edited it.

Louie, Bentley, and I at the waterfall

On our way back, downhill is a lot harder on your body than uphill. My knees were definitely feeling the impact of going downhill and today, my one knee is quite sore. The rest of me feels pretty good though. It started getting quite dark by the end of the trail and Bentley ended up chasing a white tail deer right in front of us. We were on the lookout for some Moose and Bear, since they are known to be in the area. I believe that Louie and I were happy to be back at the car by 8 pm!



Louie said...

yeah, last time i did the hike it was earlier in the summer so it was daylight longer...i guess thats why i thought it would be shorter...stupid winter coming getting darker sooner...THE ONE THING i hate about winter...stupid stupid short days...

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you take me there I can show you how to run up it!

Kristen said...

Who are you Anonymous?

Kyla said...

I love the pic of the 3 of you! Good for you for getting some good exercise! :)

Live, Love, Laugh said...

yeah and then i called you and u talked illegally driving in Washington! naughty one! lol...u need to take me up this...i thought we were like going for a good u know like real hike for my birthday...hence the backpack! ug....bowling was cool though too even though i sucked! lol good times good times!