Wednesday, September 3, 2008

For Matt, My BFF

A Tribute to Matt and I's Friendship!

Casey's 40th Birthday 80's Bash!

Seattle Bodies Exhibit Trip!

On the cruise ship!

Snorkeling on the cruise!

Catamaran cruise on the cruise!

Lincoln City Hot Tubbing!

Lincoln City Restaurant...spacing the name right now...

Matt and Casey's Wedding...we looked hot...had to add it...

For you Matty! I love you!


Kristen said...

O-K, you are the best! I loved every picture....

You seriously just made my day :)

Love you. - From Matt (I don't think he knows how to comment)

Unknown said...

Everytime I see that picture of you and Kyla, all I can focus on is her giant boobs! They really are amazing in this picture- and I know she will LOVE me for pointing them out to all who stalk/read this blog ;) Not that they didn't already notice.

Kristen, you too look hot, but I swear it is the boobs that take all the glory here...

Kyla said...

Haha omg I hope nobody reads this.. So sad that the ladies are back to their usual size. :(

I think every picture you take with Matt is adorable!