Thursday, February 26, 2009


I really don’t have a lot to say.  I’ve been here everyday, doing the same thing…watching my daily shows…doing my daily things.  I’ve been putting items up on ebay…but so far nothing has sold.  I’ve applied to several new jobs, but haven’t had any hits. 

Last night it did snow about 3 inches. 

Oh wait…something a little more exciting…Louie and I are heading to Mt. Baker this weekend for a ski trip with the Walters and friends.  But…on the sad note, I will be missing the birth of the twin girls, which are getting induced tonight at midnight. 

So…thats about it.  Hopefully I will have more exciting things to talk about when our road trip/ski trip, and the birth of the girls happen all this weekend.


Louie said...

I cant believe that they havent been born yet. Glad to see your blog, work has been super busy, so no posting for me :(

Kyla said...

You better put that 50mm to GOOD USE and post some fabulous pictures of those little cuties here soon! It's hard to take bad pictures with that lens... have fun!

Live, Love, Laugh said...

when r u coming home!!! lol! totally wanted to pull a Stewi from the family guy with the repetition but nah!