Monday, June 22, 2009

Hana Finishes!!

She continued the bike and finished it after 8 hours!  So that leaves us at 1 hr 20 minutes in the swim, 8 hours on the bike…onto the run!

hanabikewave hanabikefinish hanarun

After the bike…the rain started and the temperature dropped to 52 degrees!  Brrr…I put on my down jacket and a stocking cap.  We were bundled!


We ended up getting a crowd at our house last night.  Ian (hana’s brother), Mike, Jamie, Bob and Mary Woods were at our place for dinner and the last 4-6 hours of the race.  Our house is the perfect location because the run came 1 block away from our house…so we tracked her online and made sure we were at the street when she crossed 4 different times!  Because of the cold and the rain…I had the fire going…hot cocoa on the stove and louie cooked up a mean dinner for us all!  It was tiring just waiting for Hana to come in!

Go Hana!  She started off the run in excellent timing..finishing the first 7.5 miles doing 11-12 minute miles, and the 22 miles at 15 minute miles.  Those last 4 miles…her knees were giving out and her blisters on her feet were popping.  Expecting to see her around 10 pm, we didn’t see her cross the finish line until 11:12 pm!  It was a little confusing and we were worried we had missed her at the finish line…but we hadn’t!  SHE IS AN IRONWOMEN and I couldn’t be more proud and excited for her!  She finished the 26.2 mile run in 6 hours 40 minutes…that is a total time of 16 hours and 12 minutes.   She was feeling great coming a crossed that finish line! 


Hana Truscott is an Ironman!  Wow.


Louie said...

It was great to get to see her do all that stuff. She did awesome!

Kyla said...

Go Hana!