Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Louie and I travelled to Oak Harbor for Memorial Day Weekend to help the Walters build their deck and to just hang out.  It was really relaxing and fun!  We ate too much, drank too much pop, and soaked too long in the hot tub…but it was well worth it!

buildingdeck mixingcement finisheddeck kylanoradivataryn  louie

Hot Tub Time!

spazkristen kylakristen cheezeytaryn Tarynswimming cutetaryn Tarynswimming2

Scroll Down to the next post for Bentley and I’s day at the Beach!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Looks like you guys all had a swell time! I have the same suit you are wearing...that purple speedo one.. I got mine like 15years ago... nice to see baby is in hot tub.. gotta teach her early!! oh and I love that you guys are mixing cement with nice clothes on.. I dig it!