Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Day At The Beach

Yesterday I washed my car, and planned to wax it for the spring cleaning season.  Well…after I got the car washed…I found that I had killed the car’s battery by keeping the lights on the stereo blasting.   Therefore I was stranded at dad’s house and had to walk home. 

Last night was my first night on the job.  I work at Scratch Restaurant.  The shstick is that they make everything from scratch, and buy from local farmers.  It’s pretty cool.  My first night went well.  I like everyone that I work with, although the business is slow and I got sent him at 7 pm.  Today, I got called to not even show up.  I hope the business picks up so I can at least get SOME hours!  I definitely need the cash.

So with the information that I didn’t have to go to work today, I decided to wax my car in the morning…then Bentley and I headed to the beach.   It was a nice balmy 80 degrees today.  I love the summers here in Coeur d’ Alene.

bent1  bent2 bent3 bent4 bent6 bent5 bent7

Can you tell Bentley loves sticks?

1 comment:

Kyla said...

I love the last pic of Bentley with the stick! :) Glad you like who you work with, hope you get the chance to actually see them and make some money now!