Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday Traditions

The weekend was filled with Jason Mraz on Friday, Wood Gathering with Dad and Louie on Saturday, and Sunday Brunch at Matt and Casey's house.  Ashley came over on Monday to do arts and crafts day!  It was her first time driving to Coeur d Alene by herself in her new car!  WOO HOO!

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I love Sunday Morning Brunch at Matt and Casey's House.  We always laugh and catch up on each other's extremely busy lives...


1110081408 Ashley driving me to Costco...where I taught her how to fill up her gas tank!  We had a blast with arts and crafts day...I am now on day 4  of scrap booking last week's "week in the life" project. 

I have pics of wood gathering and Jason Mraz...but alas it is stuck on my point and shoot camera, which is at home :(...

But today...the best thing that has happened so far is this conversation with Kyla on the chat...

"mom and i are going shopping this weekend
so i should get brent's  [xmas present] done...
and hopefully get ideas for mom
she wants/needs new thongs (smaller size ones)" -Kristen
11:56 AM

"you're getting your mom thongs!?" -Kyla
12:01 PM


that is hilarious!!! "-Kristen
12:02 PM

i was wondering!!!!!!!" -Kyla

Good times!


Louie said...

That is FUNNY!!!
I read that first part 3 times before I finally went on and actually got what you were talking about...I was like WHAT!?!?!

Kyla said...

haha so was i! you wierdo! hilarious. :)

Live, Love, Laugh said...

OK that just made my day better! OMG that is hilarious!!

Elizabeth said...

I love that convo and I think I would have the same reaction ky did.. but I"m still waiting for T to take a pic like classic baby Kyla in her grandmas thong.. who knew they had thongs that long ago!