Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween In Boise

Louie and I spent the weekend in Boise, visiting old friends and celebrating the spooky holiday.

We spent Friday with Adrian (Louie's best friend). Hattie ended up coming over later to help me get ready, and to go out to the bars with us. It was really great to see her.

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Hattie was my make-up artist...we had a good time out and about...except for the stupid smoke in the bar! You can see Louie's arc reactor that he built for his Tony Start costume. Very cool!

Saturday, Louie and I spent the day with Taryn and Ian (my friends from college). We went to Religious, the movie...which was pretty funny...took their dog to the park...and played some board games. It was sooo great seeing them!

Sunday morning we left early to the airport.

I now do not work on Monday's, due to the poor economy...so I spent yesterday laz-ing around...And then cooked mom dinner. It was NICE to have a 4-day weekend!

1 comment:

Louie said...

i LOVE your costume!!!
I think i like the original a little better though ;)