Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Work..."tis the season...hmmm

Congrats to Matt and Casey! I can't wait to welcome these two beautiful little twin girls into this world!

Today was a very weird day at work. Two more people got laid off-full time...while they are trying to bring in a small crew that will become the new "leaders" and the new full time crew. I am kind of stuck in the middle of all this...a lost soul trying to find their nitch. They want me to be full time - so they don't loose me, but then again...they also can't afford me. So, they have multiple ideas running around...where I will do engineering work, when I have it...and then also get trained in the shop, welding, kitting, assembling, shipping...when I don't have work. One boss says I will work 3 days a week...the other says 5 days a week. So, lets just say they are confused and so am I!

This whole economy thing is a little scary. I am ready for a change...and stable economy, stable job, and keep the fuel prices this low!! Sometimes it is hard to see the "bright" future when the current day is so "dull". Hmm...gotta live one day at a time.

I am doing better at keeping my 30 dollar limits on Christmas presents...but everyday I have to slap my hand and not click the "check out" button to buy this perfect gift for someone. In a way...it is kind of nice to be more thoughtful on the gift and creative...rather than buy something expensive or random. A Lot of people will be receiving home-mades...or a small boughten gift with a home-made supplement. I remember doing this for my family when I went away to Central America. I believe that everyone loved it..I know that I sure do.

I keep hearing about how needy the country is this holiday season. I was very proud to hear that my brother volunteered on his day off, to go to the Women's Shelter to help put together gift baskets. This shocked me. How can I give back? I know that I am not in the means to donate my money...but I can use my other talents to give back...this is the new thought of the day.

So, I'm not sure if I will be working full time, or part time...or what I will be doing...but I am going to try to keep up the arts and crafts...because I do really love to do them!

Oh...and I think I am in love with Edward Cullen...The Twilight movie was pretty good! Worth watching it for that boy!


Kyla said...

TWO GIRLS!!! Yay! Oh that is so exciting! They are going to be so spoiled! :)

That is a bummer about your job. At least they are trying to be creative and KEEP you employed! Must mean you are a hard worker. :)

Good job for Brent volunteering! Maybe you could do some on your days off now?

Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

Louie said...

Im excited to see what you make...you are very talented so it will be AWESOME!!!