Monday, November 24, 2008

My 5-day Weekend

Oh Bentley and I had a great 5 days off!  I was stuck doing chores for all the workers out there.  It seemed to me that I was more busy when I wasn't at work...then when I do work.  People like to pawn all their tasks onto me.  Oh well...

Bentley and I headed to the dog park two days in a row...and then a nice bath into Lake Coeur d' Alene.  1121081237

1121081246 I was bored at the dog park...and I started playing with my phone camera...and found all these I used my fancy muckers as a photography tool...This is the B&W feature...but I don't want to bore you all with my boots...and the multiple shots I took! 

Now off to the BEACH!  Bentley is obsessed with his duck...

1121081412  1121081411 1121081413a 1121081413b 1121081414 Bentley has a problem looking at the camera...for some reason he doesn't like to do it!  We had a good time at the beach...but it was FREEZING! 

Let see...oh my 3 days off...I gathered wood with dad on Wednesday...

PB191090 PB191092 PB191093 PB191094 Again, Bentley won't look at the camera!  We had quite the adventure getting this tree loaded into the pick-ups...5 rounds rolled on the "cliff" side of the road...and dad and I had to haul it back up.  It was a lot of work, and I've decided that I never want to be a logger!  I was TIRED after this day...

You already got to see Thursday and Friday's fun of dog parks, beaches...and some shopping...

This weekend...Louie and I headed to Libby, Montana, so share an early Thanksgiving with his family.  It was a lot of fun.  We drove in Louie's mom's new car to Kalispell on Saturday.  I've never been to it was an adventure!  We did some shopping and looked around!  Sunday, we had lunch with Louie's extended family.  I took Bentley for a little walk down to the river.

1123081038 1123081041 1123081041b Last night, we went to the Banff Film Festival in Spokane.  I love going to this event!  We saw a lot of films of crazy people doing crazy things.  It motivated us to go out and try out our mild "extreme sports".  Louie and his mountain biking, and me and my kayaking/climbing...I'm ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to be safe with your adventures and don't wear those goofy boots on any adventures...people will think you are nuts. Dad really looks like he can still work. Interesting.