Sunday, August 2, 2009

This Weekend

Wow a busy weekend.  This weekend was Art on the Green…my FAVORITE weekend of the year EVER!  I went on Friday evening and met my Mom and Erin to watch Tuxedo Junction, a big band music band.  They were pretty good. 

Saturday, Louie and I worked on the living room floor.  We got two subfloor pieces in, and ran out of boards and time.  We headed down to the park again for dinner and met my mom and her friends.  We looked at the booths in the city park, and down at NIC college.  There were some cool booths this year…we really liked one local guy who did abstract art of the local lakes and towns.  I am spacing his name right now, but his art is 2,000 dollars for one.  It is worth it though.  Maybe next year if I can save!

Today we went down to the Street Fair and looked at the booths there.  We got our photobooth picture taken and visited with our friend Mike Normand who has a longboard booth.  He is doing pretty good this year, even with the economy down.   Louie’s friend Bean is in town (got a new job at Avista and will be moving here).  We decided to go out on the boat for a little tour and swimming since it is soo hot!  We had a blast!

jesslookingonto3 floaters


They had fun floating on the lifejackets and drinking their beer.  Did I mention I love summers in Cd’A? 

Scroll down for our Libby adventure last weekend.


Live, Love, Laugh said...

no kk u just live in CDA so u have learned to love it! jkjk...i love it too! Hence i love going over there and spending so much time at camp and w/ u in ur hood! haha...oh gee...SUMMERS IN CDA ROCK! :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed seeing you so much this weekend. I love living by you!


Louie said...

We had fun this weekend, it was sweet. Hopefully we can get those next two boards down this week :)

Live, Love, Laugh said...

Yeah lou maybe one of these days u will finish that room! lol...jkjk! :P Oh i just sneezed and hit my head on the computer! :( Anyway kk u need to take me out sometime! haha on our girls weekend when u finish the house or something! u guys tube?

Kyla said...

LOVE the floating with beers... :) Looks like so much fun! Have you heard how warm our summer has been? Come on... just move over here...

Kyla said...

LOVE the floating with beers... :) Looks like so much fun! Have you heard how warm our summer has been? Come on... just move over here...