Saturday, August 15, 2009

Living Room Sub-Flooring

Today, Louie and I worked on the living room sub-floor project. 


This is pretty much how we started the day (picture a lot more of the old sub-flooring in, and also the new cross beam wasn’t in yet).

livingoldbeam livingnewbeam

Two different angles of shots here…but look at the old support (which is just a tree log) and now the new one.  Louie’s dad should be happy that there are new support beams which equals minimum bounce in the floor.


Here is a picture of the new beam by the fireplace and new cross beam we had to put next the old one because there was dry rot in the old one. 

livingtool livingworking

Louie had to use swim goggles as eye protection while cutting this piece of plywood.  It was hilarious how he looked!  Well…you can see! 


This is where we are at 5:00 pm.  We are still working…Hopefully going to get most of the new subflooring in tonight. 


Cyndi said...
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Cyndi said...

WOW! I am impressed. Great work you guys!

Lydia said...

Wow it looks great!!! Dad and I are thrilled. What a job. I bet your glad its done.

Louie said...

Now time to get some flooring down ;)

Kyla said...

Its amazing the shortcuts you see that previous owners have taken once you start remodeling! That tree stump is hilarious! Your nail gun is on its way... yay for the pretty new hardwood! Looks great guys.

Kyla said...

PS what comment did you remove? I am curious now.... :)

Kyla said...

PS what comment did you remove? I am curious now.... :)