Monday, August 31, 2009

Hiawatha Trail

Saturday the Louie’s, Lydia, Alan and I went onto the Hiawatha Trail.  It happened to be the only crappy day for the whole week!  We left at 9 am and headed onto the trail.  If you don’t know about the Hiawatha Trail…it is almost 15 miles downhill!  There are like 9 tunnels and 9 train bridges you go into and over.  The longest tunnel is 1.7 miles long…pitch black and mad fun!  We get to go through that one twice! 

bikesintotunnel insidetunnel

Going into the tunnel…picture taken inside the tunnel…we couldn’t see anything!

louievschipmunk chipmunks

These chipmunks were very plump…getting ready for winter!  They were also very friendly!

thecrew mudbutt

This is the crew…and also if you didn’t have a fender on your bike…you got mud all over!

It was a great time and a perfect Idaho thing to do in the summer!

As far as the house remodel.  We got a wall knocked out and the living room wired for a 7.1 home theater system.  I didn’t get pictures of this…but Louie did.


Lydia said...

That was so much fun, I would like to do it again.

Anonymous said...

You are a brave woman. I will look at the pics. I am glad that you all had fun!


Louie said...

and im going to post those pictures one of these days :)