Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My New Office Chair


Thanks Mom and Dad for getting me the exercise ball so I can use it as a new desk chair.  I blew it up today and had to change my monitors so they were higher on my desk.  So far…I am forced to sit up straight…my back hurts a little bit from that…and my butt is sore from sitting on the ball.  After a week or so, I should be more comfortable, and healthier in the long run.  I have been trying to do some exercises while at my desk, including some crunches.  We will see if this helps! 

Today is my “friday” at work…so Happy Birthday to me for Sunday, Jan. 25th!  I will be 26 y/o!  I am not sure if I will post again until the following week.  :) 


Louie said...

Wow your monitors are high...

Anonymous said...

I love that you are working on your posture!
