Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cookies...Cookies...oh wait...more cookies!

Louie forgot his camera at home...where he took pictures of my 5 batches of sugar cookies. I am soooo over sugar cookies and thankful that I get the task of passing on the frosting to the weekend crew (AKA Matt)! I don't even want to look at them which I even dropped them off at Dad's house this morning, so I didn't have to!

So that was my night...making cookie dough, rolling them out, cutting them, baking them...boxing them...from 4 pm to 9:30 pm...agh...

Today I got a hair cut...a much needed one. My hair stylist, Erin, and I realized that it had been before Brent's wedding in August, when I got my last hair cut. No wonder it took me 20 minutes to brush out my hair in the mornings! Crazy...

So here I am...

She curled my hair sooo pretty! I got about 4 inches cut off...amazing how long my hair

Tomorrow I head to NYC!!!! I am visiting Hana in the big city and will hopefully have some grand adventures! :) Wicked is DEFINITELY in the forecast!

See ya on Tuesday!


Louie said...

Im excited to see your cut in person. I hope you get to see Wicked you will have a blast!

Live, Love, Laugh said...

HAHAHA mmm cookies! lol I would wouldn't i! Hope u have bunches of fun in new york! Take loads and loads of pictures for me! hehe. ooo and i will let you know if i make a team as soon as i find out! Ur first to know for suporting me all the way girl!!!WOOOHOOO!!! KK got a new hair due! Loves it! Yeah i need a new one but uh yeah i need to set a date to do that somewhere. And whatever gets done needs to be a drastic change cause i need one bad!