Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas In Morro Bay...and the New D90!!!

All I can say is that I am NOT thrilled to be back in Cd'A...

We got back last night to a rain/snow ice on the roads...and miserably cold.  On my drive to go pick up Bentley from the dog sitters...I got hit by another car, and my car is now dented in pretty good.  The worst part about it is that the car RAN!  Stupid...I bonked my head on the window...and I have a slight headache...but it is going away.  The snow berms are taller than I there it is a leap of faith that no cars are coming at every intersection to stop at.  Well...turns out there was a car coming this time.  My car has had some bad luck this past year...with three accidents.  Grr. 

BUT...California was AWESOME!  I absolutely love it down there.  Christmas was fun, but of course it didn't feel like Christmas!  I got surprised with a WONDERFUL new big camera!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.  The Nikon D90.  Thank you to all who helped buy it for me!  Here is some of the pictures...with some lightroom modifications...

MorroStrand (1 of 1) All of us on Christmas morning walking down to the beach

ALLbeach (1 of 1) Another group shot...we had Brent's roommates take a walk with we got some good group pics!

BrentDadBeach (1 of 1) BrentTidePool1 (1 of 1)

Brenttidepool2 (1 of 1) dad (1 of 1)

Brent is Tide Pooling and Dad is hunkering out of the wind! 

Mom (1 of 1) LouieandI (1 of 1)

MomDad (1 of 1) MomDanielle (1 of 1)

MorroRock (1 of 1)

Seagull (1 of 1)

And of course my favorite shots!!!  Love the jumping and Mom's FACE!  Priceless

Jumping (1 of 1) Jumping2 (1 of 1)

Now off to the Surf and Sunsets...

Louie's Surf Session:



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Go Kristen go!  Way fun!

ClamDigger (1 of 1) flyingpelican (1 of 1)

Dad took these pictures of the birds while we were out surfing...he did an amazing job!

surfers (1 of 1) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I had to get in the pic that dad took of all of us coming out of the water...cause the surfboards and how brent and louie are talking to each other and I am looking at the camera is way cool....but...chunk-a-lunk here is embarrassed to be viewed in a wetsuit...but who cares right!  This will just be my "before" picture.

Brentuniform (1 of 1) mombrent (1 of 1) Brent in his outfit for work, and mom with brent on the beach...

Rocksunset (1 of 1)

And lastly the sunset of Morro Bay...taken from Brent's Balcony of his house...Can I go back PLEASE!


Louie said...

WOW those pictures turned out GREAT!!! good job!!!!

I know I want to go back sooo bad too!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes you did a good job with the pics. It seems like we never were really there. Hmmmm snow and wind vs. sun and ocean. Wonder what most people would pick???


Live, Love, Laugh said...

Hey wanna do my Sr. Pictures? lol dude ur amazing at taking pictures...hence all mine are basically taken by u! lol

I wanna leave this snowy place for once. Ive never really been south of oregon where it is hot...missouri but in the winter so that doesn't count! haha

I loved the pictures!

This is for ur mom...i would pick the sun and above, it explains! haha