Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Breakfast

It has been a tradition for a long time now, to go to Matt and Casey’s house for Sunday breakfast every other Sunday.  When the girls were born, our tradition started failing.  Now we are back on track.  It is a great way to spend some time together, and especially bond with the girls.  I love this tradition.  Plus the food ROCKS!   Thanks Casey!

BellaBW (1 of 1) BellahandsBW (1 of 1) bellawhoa (1 of 1)

kkbellacloseup (1 of 1) lilahbw (1 of 1)

lilahkk (1 of 1) lilahstretch (1 of 1)  

momandgirlsfeeding (1 of 1)  momlilahtowelbw (1 of 1)

mattlilahtowel (1 of 1)momlilahtowel (1 of 1)momandgirls (1 of 1)

I got lots of pictures of Mom and the girls today.  I am sure she will be happy about that! 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking such good pictures and keeping a record of our lives. It was fun!!


Lydia said...

That is a wonderful picture of Carla and the girls. They all look so happy. Great pictures of the girls.

Kyla said...

those are great pictures! and "proof" that nana carla was a part of their lives! :)