Monday, August 31, 2009

Hiawatha Trail

Saturday the Louie’s, Lydia, Alan and I went onto the Hiawatha Trail.  It happened to be the only crappy day for the whole week!  We left at 9 am and headed onto the trail.  If you don’t know about the Hiawatha Trail…it is almost 15 miles downhill!  There are like 9 tunnels and 9 train bridges you go into and over.  The longest tunnel is 1.7 miles long…pitch black and mad fun!  We get to go through that one twice! 

bikesintotunnel insidetunnel

Going into the tunnel…picture taken inside the tunnel…we couldn’t see anything!

louievschipmunk chipmunks

These chipmunks were very plump…getting ready for winter!  They were also very friendly!

thecrew mudbutt

This is the crew…and also if you didn’t have a fender on your bike…you got mud all over!

It was a great time and a perfect Idaho thing to do in the summer!

As far as the house remodel.  We got a wall knocked out and the living room wired for a 7.1 home theater system.  I didn’t get pictures of this…but Louie did.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


More Pics from the Fleming Family Photoshoot...I have lots and lots...took over 200 shots...It's hard to choose the best I will just keep posting...Also I had to use a different way to post the pictures since my programs aren't on this the pictures might not be as good of quality of as big. Oh least you get to see some more.

Also have pictures to share from the weekend...but that will just have to be another day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fleming Family Sneak Peak

I really early sneaky peaky...i really decreased the quality of some might appear blurry, but they are not...except for the jumping one...that one really is blurring...couldn't get it right.



jillfamily1mattfam jump


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SubFlooring = Finished


Louie finished the subflooring while I was at work on Sunday.  He did an amazing job and it is super solid now!  Today, I just dropped off some samples of the old wood floors that we pulled up and took them to a mill to see if they will refinish them for us.  Here’s hoping!


Like our make-shift stairs for now?  Haha.  This is kind of a cool picture of the new vs. the old.  I am getting excited to pick paint colors and to finally have this project done!  Seems like we can see the end now!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Living Room Sub-Flooring

Today, Louie and I worked on the living room sub-floor project. 


This is pretty much how we started the day (picture a lot more of the old sub-flooring in, and also the new cross beam wasn’t in yet).

livingoldbeam livingnewbeam

Two different angles of shots here…but look at the old support (which is just a tree log) and now the new one.  Louie’s dad should be happy that there are new support beams which equals minimum bounce in the floor.


Here is a picture of the new beam by the fireplace and new cross beam we had to put next the old one because there was dry rot in the old one. 

livingtool livingworking

Louie had to use swim goggles as eye protection while cutting this piece of plywood.  It was hilarious how he looked!  Well…you can see! 


This is where we are at 5:00 pm.  We are still working…Hopefully going to get most of the new subflooring in tonight. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

just a few…

Last Wednesday, I took Ashley and two of her friends out for another senior picture photoshoot.  This time we went to Manito park and it was AWESOME…but again very hot!  Anyways…there are over 170 pictures…so it was VERY hard to choose just a few of my favorites.  But…these ones are mine. 





ashsittingdoor There are several more good ones…but I couldn’t post them all. 

Sunday, August 2, 2009

This Weekend

Wow a busy weekend.  This weekend was Art on the Green…my FAVORITE weekend of the year EVER!  I went on Friday evening and met my Mom and Erin to watch Tuxedo Junction, a big band music band.  They were pretty good. 

Saturday, Louie and I worked on the living room floor.  We got two subfloor pieces in, and ran out of boards and time.  We headed down to the park again for dinner and met my mom and her friends.  We looked at the booths in the city park, and down at NIC college.  There were some cool booths this year…we really liked one local guy who did abstract art of the local lakes and towns.  I am spacing his name right now, but his art is 2,000 dollars for one.  It is worth it though.  Maybe next year if I can save!

Today we went down to the Street Fair and looked at the booths there.  We got our photobooth picture taken and visited with our friend Mike Normand who has a longboard booth.  He is doing pretty good this year, even with the economy down.   Louie’s friend Bean is in town (got a new job at Avista and will be moving here).  We decided to go out on the boat for a little tour and swimming since it is soo hot!  We had a blast!

jesslookingonto3 floaters


They had fun floating on the lifejackets and drinking their beer.  Did I mention I love summers in Cd’A? 

Scroll down for our Libby adventure last weekend.

Libby Weekend

I had a lot of great pictures from Libby two weekends ago…so I couldn’t pass up this post.  We went for Louie’s 10 year high school reunion, and never went to a single event.  He ended up meeting up with a couple of friends around town, so it turned out. 


These cows are in Louie’s backyard neighbors.  I have always had a fascination for cows.

Guns Lydia

We went shooting to test some plates for Louie’s work.  The flies were HORRIBLE and Lydia found a natural fly swatter.   It was pretty funny.


Can anyone say Montana?

bees louie2

Found a pretty sweet HUGE bee hive.  It was hard to take a picture of though.  Also, Louie’s Dad looking out at the train passing by.

sadie sadiesmiling sadieprofile

My favorite pictures of all…This lovely Sadie dog. 



And some nice pictures of Louie.  It was a fun weekend of picture taking!  Well, a fun weekend all together!