Monday, July 13, 2009

House Remodeling

This past weekend was spent hard on working on the house as well as working at the Restaurant.  Lets just say that today, I am dog tired! 

Here is what we have done so far:

We tore up the carpet, found hardwood, ripped out the hardwood, tore out the nails and staples on the hardwood, tore out the subflooring, put in new beams, put in new subflooring.  This is just in the dining room.

diningroomlouie diningroombentley


Louie’s parents were in town helping us out.  It was soo nice having that help.  We still have a lot to do.  Man-o-Man. 


Kyla said...

Looking good already! Nice job, guys! Keep posting progress pics, I love it! :)

Louie said...

Wow cool pics didnt even realized you posted them! Thanks!!!