Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ashley’s Senior Pictures Preview

I am on my lunch break from work…but I wanted to post some of these so Ashley’s Family can take a peek…

These are the ones that I quickly found and liked…we got some good shots.  We are going to do another shoot because just as I was getting warmed up…Ashley was OVER smiling!  Haha.  It was soo much fun taking her pictures! 

Bigsmiles brick flowersclose logflowersclosesexy grass grasseyes

Monday, July 13, 2009

June 26th – The Girls

I never posted any of these pictures of the girls.  Man…they are already two weeks older than these pictures and a lot has changed in those two weeks.  I don’t get to see these lovelies very often anymore, because I have found a semi-job working at the Kroc Center as a lifeguard/swim instructor.   Last week I worked over 40 hours at the Kroc, and another 10 hours at the restaurant. 

bella lilahsmiling lilahgrabbing holdinghands


House Remodeling

This past weekend was spent hard on working on the house as well as working at the Restaurant.  Lets just say that today, I am dog tired! 

Here is what we have done so far:

We tore up the carpet, found hardwood, ripped out the hardwood, tore out the nails and staples on the hardwood, tore out the subflooring, put in new beams, put in new subflooring.  This is just in the dining room.

diningroomlouie diningroombentley


Louie’s parents were in town helping us out.  It was soo nice having that help.  We still have a lot to do.  Man-o-Man. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Homeowner Louie!

Yesterday Louie finally received the keys to his wonderful house, which means I get to finally post pictures of it because it is officially his!

Louieopensdoor mamosas


diningroom Dining Room

diningroombyebyecarpet Dining Room bye bye Carpetwoodfloorsunderdiningroom

downstairsbedroom downstairs bedroom

downstairsbathroom downstairs bathroom

 basementstairs downstairs to basement

upstairs upstairs

upstairsbathroom upstairs bathroom

upstairsbedroom upstairs bedroom

upstairsoffice upstairs office

Click on each picture to enlarge if you want to.  The pictures of the outside of the house are on louie’s camera and for some reason his card will not read on this computer.  They will come later!  The remodel has already started with ripping out the carpets to find hardwood underneath.  They are pretty beat up and we got talked into buying new hardwood to put there, instead of sanding down the old ones.  We have a lot to do before we can move in, but it is going to be sooooo nice.  Louie and I have been addicted to the HGTV and DIY networks to get ideas for the new house.  WE are EXCITED!