Monday, March 16, 2009

Volleyball Tournament – Seattle

This past weekend I had the pleasure to drive the Beuker Girls to Seattle for the NW Juniors Volleyball Tournament in Snohomish.   The car rides were a blast with crazy loud singing and great conversation…while the volleyball tournament was a little boring, but with some nail-biter games.  Ashley’s team ended up in the championship game for their bracket…and lost.  Overall, it was a grand adventure!

5spikewithblockers 8setting 9spikewithblockers 9tippingblockers  9spikeanditsgood ashleyspikeinnet block1 block2 blondiespikeblockers bump3angle redgirlswholegroup redgirlshuddle go2 team5bump goodgame

These are just some of the shots that I took…99 in all.   Oh but it’s good to be back home!!

1 comment:

Live, Love, Laugh said...

Thanks kk for coming! I had so much fun ezpecially singing! haha. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! :)