Last night when I got home from work, I took Bentley for a bike ride. At first, I opened the door to let him outside to do his business...but he took one look at the rain gutters that were turned into make shift waterfalls and went right back inside. Even the dog was NOT excited about this weather. I finally said "bike ride" and he went crazy enough to go out in the pouring rain. I got on my winter coat and old pants and off we went.

Louie and I had a lazy night. We ran to Big 5, and I got a pair of new swim goggles, and Louie got a new ipod running thing. Then we went to Hastings, and Louie bought me the book, Marley and Me, about a dog owner and her new golden lab! The movie is coming out this December with Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson. It is supposed to be funny, and I thought I would relate to it.
The trial for my brother Eric's death is in the works right now. My mom and dad are in Las Vegas for lawsuit against Cessna; trying to change the way small aircrafts are maintained. Eric, my brother, died because the right elevator of the Cessna aircraft fell off the plane, which caused him to crash into the side of the mountain in Las Vegas area. It has been a long 3 years of waiting for this day. I am in mixed emotion and not really sure what I am thinking. Today is the day where something might get worked out though...which would be a huge relief, maybe some closure.
You look COLD!!!!!
yeah riding my motorcylce home in that was NOT fun.
Dang its almost 100 degrees out here! I went swimming after my 3 mile walk today with the mom.
In other news... I'm glad to hear they are getting somewhere with your bros ordeal. I think tougher maintenance is a must. My dad flys a Cessna also, but no one should have to fly something that is not in tip top shape.
I have been wanting to post about this crappy weather, but didn't want to because I thought YOU would use that as a reason not to move over here (which you should do)!! BUT now that I see CdA is that way too.... Grrr. How frustrating. This morning I could have used a space heater at my desk! And if we actually had pellets we'd be running the pellet stove.... Stupid summer.
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