I decided to switch to Blogger instead of live journal because of the stupid ads and the horrible way to upload pictures on live journal. So hopefully you've found me here instead.
I have found out the only way to transfer my old posts to this site is to manual do it, and I am NOT fond of that idea. Seems like a lot of work to me! Therefore, we will just start fresh now...and link back to the old site.
Friday, Louie and I decided to go camping. (I was supposed to go to Jack Johnson, but things just didn't out to go, so I wanted to do something). We packed up and drove up the Cd'A river to find a spot. My first thought was to try to find a spot in a campground, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that all the spots were probably reserved. So, on our drive up the river, we found a pull out road that lead down to about 5 little camp spots. 4 of them were taken, and the 5th one was thankfully free! Louie had never camped in a campground before...so I figured this was a good middle ground to the closeness of other campers, but not the huge 14 dollar fees and the super duper closeness of a real campground. A drawback...no toilet :(.
We had a nice night though. I set up the tent area, while Bentley jumped right into the river and swam, and Louie chopped wood and made the fire. Louie was soooo excited to eat a hot dog on a stick, so he roasted one right away. I later made hot pastrami sandwiches (yes Walters family, a sandwich!) over the fire. We forgot to buy marshmallows and we both a little sad about that. We stared at the fire all night long and listened to the sounds of the woods...and cars going by sometimes.

I was impressed by Bentley all night because he didn't really make a peep until the morning. He normally is anxious in the woods because of all the sounds and things to chase away to protect the area. I believe we got up by 7:30 am. Louie made a fire as I sat curled up in my sleeping bag. Bentley was off barking at something or another, chasing chipmunks that were terrorizing, or swimming in the river again. I made bacon and eggs for breakfast over the fire. I love cooking over the fire! It brought me back to the 17 years of camp! I tried to relax and just be in the woods all morning...but I got a little antsy and we decided to go back before noon!
Saturday afternoon we went to the movies. I can't remember the exact name, but it had to do with the playboy bunny...it was kinda funny...the best part was how they portray IDAHO! HAHAHA...still makes me laugh!
Sunday I dropped my Mom and Dad off at the airport. They are heading to Las Vegas for the Trial for my brother. More details to come of that later. I stopped by Matt and Casey's house to say hello for about an hour and saw their new car, a Toyota Highlander...SUPER NICE! Louie and I tried to go to the fair in the afternoon, but it got really warm, and we were just not in the space to go to the fair in. We ended up going home and hanging out most of the rest of the afternoon. Ashley came to visit and see the new place that evening, and we ate pizza and watched P.S. I Love You.
All in All, the weekend went by too fast. I now have Bentley in the house all alone, due to the fact that Dad is in Las Vegas. I am sad to leave him alone. Not much is planned for this week...except camping on Friday-Monday!