Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Mister, or as Louie calls "little man"

Damon was born on February 24th at 12:21am. He was 8lbs 12oz, 21.25" long with a head size of 14.25". The birth went really smooth. The epidural was key, although I was more freaked out about getting the epidural than actually giving birth. I was induced (by breaking my water) at 7am on February 23rd, and reached 10cm by 11:15pm. The epidural went in at 3pm at 4cm. My mom, louie's mom, Kyla, and erin accompanied Louie and I for the delivery. What an experience. I don't have many thoughts at the moment about this experience except that I am not ready to do it again anytime soon.

Meet my Mister

First encounter with the puppy dog.

This is taken today at two days shy of 1 month old. We are just now starting to figure each other out. What a journey.

Location:E St Maries Ave,Coeur d'Alene,United States