Thursday, February 17, 2011

House Remodel Update

As I have had the last three weeks home from work, waiting for this baby to come, I have come to realize how much we have done to this house in the last 1.5 years.  I wanted to take you back to when we started, and where we are now. 

To Start, the Living Room:

livingroomLiving Room Finished (1 of 1)

What was………………………………………………………………………………………Is now……………………………………………………………

Onto the computer Nook:

nookapart (1 of 1)nookgettingcloser (1 of 1)nookfinished2 (1 of 1)


wallcomingdown (1 of 1)nookfinished (1 of 1)

There was a wall………………………………………………………………………….Now there isn’t.

lookintodiningold (1 of 1)wallcomingdown2 (1 of 1)

The Dining Room:

Look into Dining Room (1 of 1)

diningroombyebyecarpetdiningroomdining room from kitchen (1 of 1)

Carpet is going………………….going……………………………………………………………Gone! 

The Kitchen:

kitchencrookedold (1 of 1)Kitchen angle (1 of 1)

Old…………………………………………………………………………vs………………………………………………….the new.

kitchenisland old (1 of 1)kitchenislandfinished (1 of 1)

The Kitchen is still a work in progress…but it is looking PRETTY!

Kitchen 1 (1 of 1)Kitchen 2 (1 of 1)Kitchen 3 (1 of 1)

The Stairs:

upstairsStairs up (1 of 1)Stairs front (1 of 1)Stairs down (1 of 1)

Once gross carpet                         =                        Pretty Pretty Pine!

What we call the Office/Craft Room turned Baby Room:

lookintoofficeclosetold (1 of 1)babyroomclosets (1 of 1)

lookintoofficeold (1 of 1)babyroomcrib (1 of 1)

Looking back, this is pretty impressive the improvements made.  Big props to the Louie’s for doing most of the work.  I can only really take credit for the baby room, and picking out some of the materials used in the other rooms.  I was the big pull to knock out that wall and to create the computer nook.  I am very very impressed!