Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Facebook SUCKS!

Here is Damon's 5-6 Month video with cousin Sienna. Stupid Facebook knows about my songs as a background and claims copyright infringement. Blah Blah...

Not sure how else to post a video with better quality...until then, you get to view it this way.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Mister, or as Louie calls "little man"

Damon was born on February 24th at 12:21am. He was 8lbs 12oz, 21.25" long with a head size of 14.25". The birth went really smooth. The epidural was key, although I was more freaked out about getting the epidural than actually giving birth. I was induced (by breaking my water) at 7am on February 23rd, and reached 10cm by 11:15pm. The epidural went in at 3pm at 4cm. My mom, louie's mom, Kyla, and erin accompanied Louie and I for the delivery. What an experience. I don't have many thoughts at the moment about this experience except that I am not ready to do it again anytime soon.

Meet my Mister

First encounter with the puppy dog.

This is taken today at two days shy of 1 month old. We are just now starting to figure each other out. What a journey.

Location:E St Maries Ave,Coeur d'Alene,United States

Thursday, February 17, 2011

House Remodel Update

As I have had the last three weeks home from work, waiting for this baby to come, I have come to realize how much we have done to this house in the last 1.5 years.  I wanted to take you back to when we started, and where we are now. 

To Start, the Living Room:

livingroomLiving Room Finished (1 of 1)

What was………………………………………………………………………………………Is now……………………………………………………………

Onto the computer Nook:

nookapart (1 of 1)nookgettingcloser (1 of 1)nookfinished2 (1 of 1)


wallcomingdown (1 of 1)nookfinished (1 of 1)

There was a wall………………………………………………………………………….Now there isn’t.

lookintodiningold (1 of 1)wallcomingdown2 (1 of 1)

The Dining Room:

Look into Dining Room (1 of 1)

diningroombyebyecarpetdiningroomdining room from kitchen (1 of 1)

Carpet is going………………….going……………………………………………………………Gone! 

The Kitchen:

kitchencrookedold (1 of 1)Kitchen angle (1 of 1)

Old…………………………………………………………………………vs………………………………………………….the new.

kitchenisland old (1 of 1)kitchenislandfinished (1 of 1)

The Kitchen is still a work in progress…but it is looking PRETTY!

Kitchen 1 (1 of 1)Kitchen 2 (1 of 1)Kitchen 3 (1 of 1)

The Stairs:

upstairsStairs up (1 of 1)Stairs front (1 of 1)Stairs down (1 of 1)

Once gross carpet                         =                        Pretty Pretty Pine!

What we call the Office/Craft Room turned Baby Room:

lookintoofficeclosetold (1 of 1)babyroomclosets (1 of 1)

lookintoofficeold (1 of 1)babyroomcrib (1 of 1)

Looking back, this is pretty impressive the improvements made.  Big props to the Louie’s for doing most of the work.  I can only really take credit for the baby room, and picking out some of the materials used in the other rooms.  I was the big pull to knock out that wall and to create the computer nook.  I am very very impressed!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Ultrasound

Yesterday was the first ultrasound of baby Mysse.  Louie and my mom went with me.  I wasn’t expecting to see much, and had warned Louie of that.  They had told me that they would have to do an internal ultrasound because the kid is too small to see through the “stomach” way.  When we got called back, the ultrasound lady was short, old, and frumpy, but she loved her job and had been doing it for 40 years.  She says in the Cd’A area that she has 20,000 babies running around.  Crazy.  Anyways…there was no prep, the ultrasound was right away.  The lady did the “stomach” method first and immediately you could see the little guy.  It was amazing and shocked all of us how clearly you could see “it”.  The baby waved to us, kicked it’s feet, arched it’s back, was very active.  We could see the heart beating and thank god there was only one!  We were all shocked and how much you can see, and how much it looks like a baby at 11 weeks 2 days.  You can’t tell much at this ultrasound except the age of the baby, which is why I did the ultrasound in the first place.  Like I said, I am 11 weeks, 3 days pregnant.  The kid measured 47mm, with a heartbeat of 167.  We heard the heartbeat for maybe 5 seconds is all.  I have a due date of around Feb. 19th…so a week earlier than Brent and Danielle.  I had originally thought I was a week later.  To sum it up, it was a very cool and amazing experience to watch the screen and see the little baby moving around so much.  It definitely made it seem a lot more real and I am 100 times more excited now. 

I have another appt in 4 weeks,  just a routine checkup.  Should know the sex of the baby at the end of Sept.

Baby11Weeks0001 Baby11Weeks0002 Baby11Weeks0003 Baby11Weeks0005

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ironman ‘10

Kayaking for Radiant lake (see previous post) motivated me to kayak for Ironman, this time recruiting Louie to assist.  Lets just say this was a different experience.  Instead of a sprint Triathlon, in which was kayaking part maybe lasted 45 minutes, this was 2400 athletes, swimming 2.4 miles.  We were asked to be on the water by 5am.  EARLY!  The race didn’t start until 7:30am, so we were a little annoyed we had to sit for so long in the kayaks. 

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   5 am was not exciting for us as I feel into the water when I tried to get into my kayak.  Louie thought that was hilarious though.  It was cool to see the moon and water the sunrise though.



This is the crowd watching the start of the race.  If you haven’t watched the start of 2400 athletes enter the water all at one time, it is pretty amazing.  This time we got to see it from the water.


These are the elites athletes, which get 50,000 if they win. Luckily they get a different start time.


The elites swimming their second lap, while the “normal” athletes start lining up on the beach.  The paddleboarder is along side the first female swimmer so we can keep track.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The mob, 2400 racers.  It was a madhouse.


And they are off.  I lucky never had a swimmer hold on to my kayak for a rest.  Louie had to help several swimmers though.  I heard that there were somewhere between 25-30 people that had to get pulled out of the water all together.  It was pretty intense.  If only we didn’t have to sit in our kayaks for so long, I would consider volunteering again.  It was just a long time to be on the water and wait.  A good experience though.